Ed's Weather Station

Ed's Weather Station
Located south of Fulton, MO
Lat. 38.75234 N
Lon. 91.96758 W
Elevation 787 ft

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Eds Weather Station - WXSIM Forecast
WXSIM Forecast for: Fulton
Issued by: Eds-Weather.info
Updated: Monday, 31-Mar-2025 04:54 am

Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy

Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
Thunder storm
Thunder storm

Thunder storm
Thunder storm
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy

Chance rain
Chance rain
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
<.1 in. <.25 in. <.25 in. <.1 in. <.1 in.
High: 52° Low: 33° High: 57° Low: 47° High: 77° Low: 49° High: 61° Low: 52°
Moderate breeze
Light air
Fresh breeze
Fresh breeze
Strong breeze
Fresh breeze
Moderate breeze
Moderate breeze
UV: 4
UV: 4
UV: 7
UV: 3


Cloudy in the morning, becoming partly to mostly cloudy in the afternoon. High 52°. UV index up to 4. Wind north-northwest around 8 mph, gusting to 16 mph.
Partly cloudy. Low 33°. Wind north around 3 mph in the evening, becoming east after midnight.
Mostly cloudy in the morning, becoming mostly cloudy to cloudy in the afternoon. A slight chance of rain in the afternoon. High 57°. UV index up to 4. Wind east-southeast around 9 mph, gusting to 20 mph, in the morning, becoming 14 mph, gusting to 23 mph, in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than a tenth of an inch.
Tuesday night
Mostly cloudy to cloudy in the evening, becoming cloudy after midnight. Rain likely. Scattered thundershowers possible. Low 47°. Wind southeast around 17 mph, gusting to 23 mph. Chance of precipitation 60 percent. Precipitation mostly less than a quarter of an inch.
Dense overcast in the morning, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. A chance of rain in the morning, then a slight chance of rain in the afternoon. Scattered thunderstorms likely. High 77°. UV index up to 7. Wind south around 19 mph, gusting to 28 mph. Chance of precipitation 60 percent. Precipitation mostly less than a quarter of an inch.
Wednesday night
Fair to partly cloudy in the evening, becoming partly to mostly cloudy after midnight. Low 49°. Wind southwest around 9 mph, gusting to 22 mph, in the evening, becoming 4 mph after midnight.
Cloudy. A slight chance of rain in the morning, then a chance of rain in the afternoon. High 61°. UV index up to 3. Wind north-northeast around 6 mph, gusting to 15 mph, in the morning, becoming east-northeast around 10 mph, gusting to 18 mph, in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation 40 percent. Precipitation mostly less than a tenth of an inch.
Thursday night
Mostly cloudy to cloudy in the evening, becoming cloudy after midnight. A chance of rain. Low 52°. Wind east around 6 mph, gusting to 17 mph. Chance of precipitation 30 percent. Precipitation mostly less than a tenth of an inch.
Dense overcast. A slight chance of rain. High 60°. UV index up to 3. Wind northeast around 7 mph, gusting to 16 mph. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than a tenth of an inch.
Friday night
Dense overcast. Patchy light fog after midnight. Rain likely. Low 45°. Wind northeast around 9 mph, gusting to 16 mph. Chance of precipitation 70 percent. Precipitation mostly around a quarter of an inch.
Dense overcast. A slight chance of rain in the morning, then a chance of rain in the afternoon. High 50°. Wind chill around 41. Wind northeast around 11 mph, gusting to 19 mph. Chance of precipitation 30 percent. Precipitation mostly less than a tenth of an inch.
Saturday night
Dense overcast in the evening, becoming cloudy after midnight. A slight chance of rain. Low 41°. Wind north-northeast around 10 mph, gusting to 18 mph. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than a tenth of an inch.
Mostly cloudy to cloudy in the morning, becoming partly to mostly cloudy in the afternoon. High 53°. UV index up to 7. Wind north around 10 mph, gusting to 20 mph.
Sunday night
Mostly clear in the evening, becoming clear after midnight. Low 34°. Wind chill ranging from 26 to 47. Wind north-northwest around 13 mph, gusting to 23 mph.

WXSIM forecast formatting script by Saratoga-Weather.org.

Scripts courtesy of Ken True -Saratoga-weather.org