Eds Weather Station
Yesterday and Today Highs and Lows
A Comparison of Today's and Yesterday's Highs and Lows
Next Update:
Today |
Time |
Yesterday's |
Time |
High Barometer |
30.706 |
01:14 |
30.699 |
23:59 |
Low Barometer |
30.696 |
00:18 |
30.568 |
00:32 |
High Humidity |
75 % |
00:48 |
81 % |
04:57 |
Low Humidity |
69 % |
00:00 |
44 % |
13:38 |
High Dew Point |
0.7 °F |
00:35 |
5.7 °F |
13:35 |
Low Dew Point |
-0.3 °F |
00:00 |
-7.6 °F |
04:48 |
High Heat Index |
7.9 |
00:00 |
22.6 |
13:36 |
Low Heat Index |
6.2 °F |
01:19 |
-3.0 °F |
04:48 |
High Temperature |
7.9 |
00:00 |
22.6 |
13:36 |
Low Temperature |
6.2 |
01:19 |
-3.0 |
04:48 |
High Gust |
NW |
20:48 |
9.2 mph NW |
20:48 |
Average Windspeed |
NW |
14:21 |
1.1 |
14:21 |
High Solar |
0 |
00:00 |
545.0 |
12:58 |
High UV |
0.0 |
00:00 |
0.0 |
00:00 |
Low Grass Temperature |
122. °F |
High Soil Temperature |
33 |
Low Soil Temperature |
33 |
Daily Rain |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Windrun |
0.00 miles |
0.06 miles |