Ed's Weather Station

Ed's Weather Station
Located south of Fulton, MO
Lat. 38.75234 N
Lon. 91.96758 W
Elevation 787 ft

GR3 Radar

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Ed's Weather Trends Eds Weather Station

Weather Trends (Differences)

  Current Last 10 Min Last 30 Min Last Hour Last 24 Hours This Month Last Month Last Year Hi/Lo/Av
Temperature 80.0 +0.1 °F +0.3 °F +0.2 °F +10.  °F +6.8 °F +12.9 °F -1.1 °F
90.2 °F
70. °F
81.1 °F
Barometer 29.772 in. -0.002 in. -0.001 -0.005 in. -0.063 .in -0.085 in. -0.008 in. 0.057 in. 29.757 .in
29.681 .in
29.715 .in
Humidity 74 % 0 % 0 % 0 % + 7 % +9.9 % +10.3 % +20.5 % 76 %
30 %
53.5 %
Average Wind 0.0 mph 0 mph 0 mph 0 mph 0.0 mph -0.1 mph -0.1 mph -0.1 mph 16.1 mph
0.0 mph
0.1 mph
Dew Point 71.0 °F +0.1 °F +0.3 °F; +0.2 °F +13. °F +9.2 °F +16.8 °F +9.6 °F 72.2 °F
52.1 °F
61.4 °F
Rainfall 0.00 in. 0 in. 0 in. 0.00 in. 0.000 .in 2.62 +4.5 in. Total Rain
Consecutive days with no rain:
Current rain episode duration (minutes):
Average temperature today (since 6:00 AM):
85.3 °F
Average night temperature (since 6:00 PM):
85.2 °F
  Current Time 02:30      
  Current Date 6/25/2024